WEDDINGS AND COVID-19: new Government dispositions in Italy!

As promised to my dear brides, here I am writing for all of you a new update on the actual situation in Italy in the sector of weddings.

The latest Dpcm issued by the Prime Minister in Italy provides new rules to follow in the celebration of weddings and events in general. Until November 14, 2020, subject to further changes, new restrictions on religious and civil ceremonies will be in force.

The number of participants in the event cannot exceed the maximum limit of 30 people,.
Those who decide to celebrate are required to respect the general obligation of social distancing between the guests (with the exception of families and cohabitants) and the obligation to wear a mask when you do not eat or drink. Group dances and gathering occasions such as the buffet queue are prohibited; the self-service mode is allowed only if the wait staff serves drinks and food, unless each portion is individually packaged in disposable plastic containers.

In church, the old rules remain in force: the maximum number of participants is established based on the size of the place of worship, the sign of peace is still forbidden and the distribution of the host must follow a particular process that provides for the sanitation of the hands of the parish priest. The only positive note is that newlyweds can kiss without a mask.

Unfortunately, the situation is worsening even here in Italy, as in the rest of the world, and we are required to do something to slow down the spreading of the virus. From my side I want to reassure the couples who are planning their wedding for next year to relax and not to think about the actual situation as it will change in one year time for sure and if we behave as recommended we will be able to live a normal life again and celebrate all together. No panic at all! Planning your wedding will be like a light of hope to look at while we fight this difficult times.

Those who planned a wedding this autumn and winter still can have their celebration with some restrictions but if love is present that’s all we need, others who desire to have all the planned guests can postpone their weddings to next year in summer time.

And for those who are planning their weddings next year, I only suggest to relax, be patiant and concentrate on positive thoughts to attract only good things to the world and to you… and when you feel down or you need some words to feel up again contact me Italy Destination Weddings and I will be next to you!

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